contact us

Have a question? Need a custom part? Just want to say "Hi"?

You can easily contact us using the email form here. We will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.


Thank You, 

Randy & Luenda

5677 SE 60th St.
Galena, Ks. 66739

(620) 687-2587

Our passion is engineering & fabricating custom Titanium Ducati motorcycle frames, exhausts and components. We have over twenty years' experience designing and fabricating with Titanium, Inconel, aluminum and steel. If your Ducati needs it, we can build it.


Terms & Conditions

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Terms & Conditions


A 50% deposit is required on all orders over $1,000.00. Once the deposit is received materials are ordered and the work is scheduled, therefore the deposit is non-refundable. Once the work is complete the customer has 30 days to make the final payment. If a payment is not received within 30 days , the customer forfeits the ownership of any items purchased. If no payment is received, no items will be shipped.


Shipping Policies

Shipping will be paid for by the customer in the amount corresponding to the shipping option selected at the time of purchase. If an item is lost during shipping, the total cost of item, including shipping, will be refunded to the customer by the seller. Shipping costs will be quoted and agreed upon before shipping internationally. If an item is damaged during shipping, StradaFab will not be held responsible.


Returns Policy

Items are entitled to be refunded or returned based on a determination by StradaFab. If an item is unsatisfactory, a written explanation, and photographs of the part in question, are required before the item may be considered for a refund. Customer's must take into account the description of the item before requesting a refund. If the item matches the description by the seller, and the customer is unsatisfied, StradaFab is not responsible for providing a refund. Frames and components that have been custom-built to a customer's unique specifications are not eligible for a refund. Exchanges are granted on a case-by-case basis only.



Any complaints about our products may be sent to us directly at: or (620)848-3819. While there is no guarantee of a resolution, each case will be looked at individually, and we will do our best to address your concerns.


Legal Liability

StradaFab LLC and its employees are not liable for any health or safety concerns related to the use/misuse and installation of its products. If any harm is incurred from the items purchased by a customer, StradaFab LLC shares no legal or financial responsibility for any such occurrence.

These terms and conditions are subject to change.


By viewing this page, you hereby acknowledge to have read and to have agreed to these terms and conditions.